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Sticker finishes: Scodix

Putting your branding out there is all about differentiating yourself.

Out-standing finish of your product label is one of the most cost-effective way to achieve it.

SCODIX is a finish that we can apply on stickers, business cards and promotional materials to make it glossy but also like give 3D effect.

Stickers may look cheap without any finish. However, an appropriate finish on it will make a sticker to look elegant and luxury.

Stickers with scodix finish will be eye-catching and when you apply it on the logo, your branding awareness will increase!

The trend is now 'Simple is the best'. Keep the design simple and make an extra finish on your branding which Scodix will stand out among your competitors

Scodix finish has been around for a quite some time but recently get noticed by designers and customers. It's a simple technology where not much cost is involved.

Start from as small as 50 copies and up to mass production as well.

Make an enquiry through email about Scodix stickers or any other printing materials and we'll provide the best service ever.

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